Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nasw Code Of Ethics Reaction Paper - 1440 Words

NASW Code of Ethics Reaction Paper As a generalist social worker one must engage, assess, plan, implement, evaluate, terminate, and follow up when working with individual or family case work (Kirst-Ashman Hull, 2015). According to Kirst-Ashman Hull (2015) the social worker must build a rapport during the engagement phase in order to have a commitment and advocate for the client’s right to self-determination (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). I feel that as social workers there are many challenges that we are faced with such lack of resources, client resistance, and personal reflection; however, as a generalist social worker one must be competent of resources (NASW, 2008) and have self-awareness in order to†¦show more content†¦1.02 Self-Determination According to NASW (2008) the social work profession must have respect and promotion of client’s right to self-determination. According to Lieberman (2017) each Sanchez family member has their own con cerns; however, through assessment a social worker must facilitate and allow the client to identify and clarify their goals (NASW, 2008). In Lieberman (2017) Hector Sanchez is resistant to apply for public benefits, such as Medicaid that can assist with subsided medical insurance and supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) that can assist with purchasing food for the family (Department of Children and Families (DCF), 2014). As a generalist social worker professional judgment of client’s right to self-determination may be limited if it can potentially cause risk and harm to the client’s or others’ well-being (NASW, 2008), this may apply to Hector’s case as his reluctance to apply for public benefits may hinder the family’s rights to basic needs such as food and healthcare. Chronic Disease Management In Lieberman (2017) Hector’s history mentions that his health is affected by diabetes, high blood pressure and a physically demanding job that may impinge his future working years (Lieberman, 2017). According to Lieberman (2017) Hector is sacrificing his lunch meals to have an allotted amount of food for his family; however, he does not consider his own health that is greatly affected by his dietary habitsShow MoreRelatedNasw Code Of Ethics Reaction Paper. Migrated From Mexico1109 Words   |  5 PagesNASW Code of Ethics Reaction Paper Migrated from Mexico to the United States in 1976, the Sanchez family currently resides in a Latino community in South Florida. The large extended family consists of ten: Hector, Celia, Junior, Emilia, Vicki, Gloria, Alejandro, Carmen, Roberto, and Joey. Living under one roof, this family affronts many social issues and is in great need of a social worker to anatomize and find resources to assist. 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